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Trust - Why is it important? What is trust about? How do you build it? What kills it?

Trust - Why is it important? What is trust about? How do you build it? What kills it?

Chances are, if you’re reading this then you're more than likely involved in the business of selling. Therefore, gaining and maintaining trust is an important part of what you do.
Picture this scene…
Your house of trust...
You’re stood on the doorstep of your house/ flat/ apartment. Let’s call it your ‘house of trust’.
Now in your mind’s eye there are four people you'll invite into your house of trust.
How far in will you let…
- A door-to-door salesman?
- A plumber?
- A friend?
- A relative?
Now ask yourself, how far into your customer’s or prospect’s ‘house of trust’ do you think you’re allowed?

What is the size of the prize if you were allowed further in?

Whether personal, organisational, product, or solution, or even role, trust is more difficult to build, than to maintain, and very easily lost.
It's fickle too. For some reason we all trust in certain things, companies and people.
Why trust a zebra crossing?
As a for instance, why should anyone trust zebra crossings (marked crosswalks).
Or, a woman or man in a uniform.
But, most of us do.

Trust builders and killers.


+ Stop. And think for a minute. What's their initial perception of you? Whether word of mouth, recommendation, your Linked In profile, the company you work for, the associations you’re involved in...etc.

+ First impressions, you only get one chance.

+ Consistency and certainty – we all thrive on it, so start as you mean to carry-on and be consistent with that behaviour. As you will be judged. Our brains are continually trying to predict the near future. Even a small amount of uncertainty generates an ‘error’ response in us.

+ Meet as equals - What ever their title or experience. Think you're equal and ignore that voice in your head (yes, that voice that suggests otherwise!).
+ Being prepared.
+ Good time keeping.
+ Good manners.
+ Coffee, tea, water (if you’re hosting).
+ After pleasantries…let's say your next 20 minutes. How clear, concise and relevant are you? How much are you actually listening to them? (Mind the Gap).
+ Keep your word, confidences and deadlines too.
+ Remembering… the last conversation, someone's name, how they take their coffee etc.
+ What others have I missed?...comment below on the others you know of.

Trust killers

- The opposite of what you just read, especially your ability to actually listen. There is more on how to actually listen in my other blogs.
- Watch your self-orientation – aka your ego. Why is it that doctors and nurses are trusted more than salespeople? On whose agenda are they on - yours or theirs? Be honest, which agenda are you on when in a meeting with a prospect? What ever you do to hide it, they will sense whose you're on.
To end at the beginning.

Trust (pronounced truhst): noun. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. (source).

People at the top of their game know what to do, how to do it and are motivated to do so.
The trouble is, and let’s be honest, many of us know what to do, are motivated, but lack how to do something.
This is otherwise known as the knowing-doing gap.
The good news is we focus on the HOW to, with specific transferable techniques and coachable skills that help people get to the top of their game.
If you've read this far, then I presume you found it interesting and of value?. This blog is a small window into some of what we do, which is helping people change their behaviour, which changes their results.
We're only a call away - +44 7702 133289.

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